GBP Stablecoin: Revolutionizing Digital Currency

Tap has formed a partnership with Poundtoken, enhancing its platform by introducing the option for users to trade, hold, and conduct transactions with a GBP stablecoin that is fully fiat-backed.

Poundtoken (GBPT): A Regulated GBP Stablecoin

The Poundtoken, identifiable by its ticker GBPT, has the distinction of being the first GBP stablecoin established in the British Isles, under the regulation of the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority. Unique in its field, GBPT is the only stablecoin audited by the esteemed firm KPMG. Regular monthly attestations are published to confirm that each GBPT in circulation is always fully backed by collateral held in regulated bank reserves. This reliability is further bolstered by Poundtoken’s integration with Chainlink, which offers real-time proof of reserve.

The Role and Nature of Stablecoins

Stablecoins serve an essential function in blockchain transactions, providing a means to retain value in tokens that are anchored by ‘stable’ assets. These assets typically include major fiat currencies like the USD, EUR, GBP, and JPY, but can also extend to commodities such as gold and silver. While not all currency-backed stablecoins are 100% cash-backed, many, like GBPT, are entirely underpinned by assets denominated in the respective currency.

Why Choose Poundtoken: A Detailed Overview

  1. 100% Cash-Backed Assurance: Unlike some stablecoins that are not entirely cash-backed, GBPT guarantees 100% cash backing. This means in the event of a bank run, all assets could be liquidated promptly to reimburse token holders. Each GBPT token is directly redeemable for one GBP, ensuring tangible value;
  2. Transparency and Audit Compliance: Poundtoken stands out for its commitment to financial transparency. The cash reserves, held in segregated accounts, undergo monthly audits by KPMG. The partnership with Chainlink allows holders to monitor their cash holdings in real time;
  3. Regulatory Compliance and Security: Poundtoken operates under the stringent financial regulations of the British Isles. Registered in the Isle of Man, the company adheres to rigorous criteria for licensing. The Isle of Man Financial Services Authority regulates Poundtoken as part of its Regulatory Sandbox, underlining its legitimacy and security;
  4. Technology and Security: Operating as an ERC 20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, GBPT employs smart contracts that are audited and immutable, ensuring a secure experience for users.

“A regulated asset linked to a renowned global currency is exactly what we seek in new digital assets,” said Arsen Torosian, CSO at Tap. “Our collaboration with Poundtoken introduces a secure and valuable digital asset to our users.”

The strategic alliance between Tap and Poundtoken marks a significant milestone in the evolution of digital finance. This collaboration brings forth a new era where traditional finance and innovative blockchain technology converge, offering users a seamless, secure, and reliable digital currency experience. The introduction of the GBP stablecoin on Tap’s platform is more than just an addition of a new asset; it represents the fusion of stability and innovation, catering to a growing demand for digital financial services that are both accessible and trustworthy.

The GBP stablecoin, backed by Poundtoken, stands as a testament to the potential of blockchain in revolutionizing the financial industry. It offers users the best of both worlds: the stability and familiarity of a major fiat currency like the GBP, combined with the efficiency, transparency, and security of blockchain technology. This integration is particularly significant in an era where digital transactions are becoming increasingly globalized and users are seeking more diversified and secure options for managing their finances.


Furthermore, the rigorous regulatory compliance and real-time auditing provided by Poundtoken instill a level of confidence and trust among users. This trust is crucial in a landscape often marred by uncertainties and volatility. By choosing to partner with a platform that prioritizes transparency and regulatory adherence, Tap not only enhances its service offerings but also reinforces its commitment to user security and trust. Looking ahead, the partnership between Tap and Poundtoken is poised to set a new standard in the digital finance space. It paves the way for other financial platforms to follow suit, integrating innovative solutions while adhering to regulatory standards. This approach is likely to accelerate the adoption of digital currencies, bridging the gap between traditional and digital finance, and shaping a more inclusive and efficient financial ecosystem.

In conclusion, the collaboration between Tap and Poundtoken is a significant step forward in the journey towards a more integrated and robust digital financial landscape. It exemplifies how innovative technology, when combined with regulatory foresight and a focus on user security, can create powerful solutions that redefine the way we interact with money in the digital age.

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